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 Link Technologies - LinkSOFT Documentation 
Help > Link Web Applications Portal > Company Administration > Configuration >
Point of Sale

POS configurations contain all configurations related to Point of Sale functionalities.

Steps to configure settings

  1. Navigate to Administration Configuration --> POS
  2. Expand the row to go into the configuration subgroup.
  3. Expand the row for the sub group to get into the configuration rule
  4. Click on the "Pencil Sign" to edit a configuration items.
  5. Enter relevant details.
  6. Save the configuration.

Table 1 : POS Configurations

Subgroup Rule Functionality
Point of Sales Automatic Product Code "Automatic Product Code" set to "Yes (Y)" which automatically generates the product codes on the "Inventory Master" when an item is saved. The code is generated based on the "Automatic Product Code Method"configuration.
Automatic Product Code Method

The configured method is used to create codes. Users can configure of the below:

  • M = Next Number Mask
  • C = Category
  • CS = Category plus Sub Category (First 3 Characters of C or CS + 3 digit next number)
    • Create a product in BO , set the category as OF and sub category as CAB. The product code should be OFCAB001
Automatically create all locations when an item is saved in Product Master (Y/N)

"Automatically create all locations when an item is save in the Product Master" will insert all locations for stock entry for a product.


  1. The "Default Location" needs to be enabled
  2. The "Default Location Bin" needs to be enabled with the Location
Transfer Cost Distribution Method

Transfer cost can be distributed to each item. Transfer cost is the sum of the freight and cost of item. Cost Distribution methods and computation.

  • N=None : Cost is not distributed to each item in the transfer.
  • Q= Quantity - ( Current Cost" + (Quantity for a line/Total Quantity on the Transfer)x Freight)
  • L= Line Total  - (Line Total of the item/Total Cost of Transfer)x Freight)
  • W = Weight - ("Current Cost" + (Weight of items in a line /Total Weight in the Transfer)x Freight)


Return Policy Number of Days

"Return Policy Days " allow users to restrict customers to return an invoice by enforcing number of days within which an invoice can be returned.

For example, the "Return Policy Number of Days" is set to 3.

  1. Transaction A was created on the 08/06/2020.
  2. If  customer returns the invoice on the 10/06/2020 the cashier will be able to process the return as the return is been made 2 days after the sale.
  3. If  customer returns the invoice on the 12/06/2020 the cashier will not be able to process the return as the return has been requested after 4 days which is greater than the return policy.



Folder path to export replication files on Web server drive

Define a folder path for the "Replication Data" export and import. Data will be exported to the define path. The exported file naming convention is  {DestinationServer}_{DestinationDatabase}_YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.xml